Annual General Meeting
The Society's Annual General Meeting is held in the month of September (specific date to be announced each year) at 7pm.
This year it will be on Sept. 16 Location: The Centennial Theatre at Scottblock downtown back door 4816 30 Ave Red Deer
While the meeting is open to anyone who is interested in theatre and the Society's work, only members in good standing will be entitled to vote on motions. If you have not volunteered with us since before 2019, you will be required to buy a membership.
An annual membership costs $10 per person
This year, 2 board members will not be putting their names up for re-election. Much help will be needed in order to carry on!!!
We also would like to incorporate a membership clerk; script librarian; social media expert etc.
If you would like to nominate anyone for a place on the Board or would like to table a subject for discussion please send an email to [email protected]