Breaking CoverBreaking Cover is an innovative and interactive initiative created by Red Deer Players in conjunction with the Red Deer Public Library. It was first created through a partnership with the Friends of the Library as a means of working with local and Alberta wide playwrights to workshop scripts in progress, using a group of experienced Red Deer actors and directors. As the Breaking Cover series progressed, its success was such that the Red Deer Public Library took it on in partnership with Red Deer Players, and it is now an official Red Deer Public Library program. An integral part of the process is the interaction between audience, director, playwright and cast, following the performance. This interaction provides the playwright with the opportunity to see how this new work is received and perceived by an audience, so they can continue to fine tune the script. The rehearsed readings of these new works are performed at the Snell Auditorium, at the Red Deer Public Library, at 4818 49 Street. Red Deer. Details on the Breaking Cover series can be found in the drop down venue above. There is no admission charge for these readings - however, a silver collection is available, and any donations are used to help Red Deer Players continue the Breaking Cover series. Breaking Cover is open to all Alberta playwrights. If you have work that is far enough in the process, such that you would benefit from participating in a rehearsed reading, please submit it to Red Deer Players at |